Sunday, December 10, 2006

Young at Heart


Though we are no more little children,

I wish we could live like little kids again,

Still holding on to precious childhood gifts,

Full of potential,

Ready to bloom,

So hopeful,

So excited,

So looking forward to the bright future.

I wish we could preserve,

Our childlike curiosity,

Our childlike innocence,

Our childlike faith,

And with this,

Relationships with one another,

Are simple and pure,

When we could laugh, smile and play,

With everyone who is our friend,

And we could even hold hands in hands,

As we walk through the journey of life,

With our beloved brothers and sisters.

Once in a while,

Our childlike mischievousness,

Our childlike playfulness,

Put a temporary stop,

To our stress and worries.

When we play with no boundaries,

When we simply enjoy each others company,

When we put our heads together,

For wacky, crazy, brilliant ideas,

To have fun;

Simply create joy,

In the depth of our hearts,

To create beautiful smiles,

To any of the observers.

P/S: Excuse me of my indulgence again. It’s just something that struck my heart as I watch the kids play, as I watch the adults who are so young at heart, playing with their beloved brothers and sisters. =)

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